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RC Soldier | What We're All About

Here at RC Soldier, we're all about quality, price, and accurate information. Our goal is to provide a trustworthy site where guys and gals can go to review spam free information about the world of remote controlled devices of all sorts.

We enjoy technical analysis and reviewing innovative products as the hobby evolves. I (the owner) started racing RC cars back in 1999, and it's been a fun journey to say the least. I figure the least I can do to give back is offer up advice acquired by hard earned experience and many years of racing.

We are always searching for the best prices available, and we constantly update our pages accordingly to reflect the best bargain. We do our own price and quality comparisons from multiple vendors such as:

  • Tower Hobbies
  • AMain Hobbies
  • and even Amazon!

Our writers are experts and experienced enthusiasts, and we try our best to provide quality content for our readers. Not only for help, but enjoyment as well!

If you have any question or concerns about our platform, feel free to reach out anytime!